Service Coordination

Secure messaging and e-referral systems are an excellent tool for enhancing service coordination and delivering safer, more efficient and integrated services. Electronic referral (e-Referral) enables consumer information to be sent and received using encrypted email across a secure platform. Secure e-Referral systems support Service Coordination by:

  • encouraging good communication between services, providing an opportunity to easily send and receive referrals, acknowledge the referral and exchange other information about consumer
  • reducing duplication of information
  • enhancing and improving the security of consumer information

"e-Referral is about using what we already have to do what we already do in a better way."


Connectingcare is one of the eReferral systems used by the agencies in the west and also includes the health and community services directory.

Connectingcare service directory is based on Human Services Directory (HSD) and provides information on over 23,000 services across Victoria. Over 2500 of these service providers are capable of accepting electronic referrals and messages from Connectingcare.

More information

There are more agencies currently investigating how to integrate secure messaging into their practice. If your agency is interested in this, please contact Agnieszka Kleparska, Service Coordination Project Officer, on 9017 5843 or email