A-Z Listing
- Adolescent Community Program (Western Health Drug Services)
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Australian Drug Foundation
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
- Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights
- Anglicare Victoria
- Changing Futures
- Drug & Alcohol Services
- Financial Counselling
- Integrated Family ServicesNeedle Exchange
- Reconnect Youth & Family Counselling
- The Youth Garage Project
- Youth Counselling
- Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria, Inc. (ADAVIC)
- Anxiety, stress & worry
- Panic Disorder
- Social Phobia
- Agoraphobia
- Depression
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Hoarding
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Phone and Email support, information and referral
- Facebook support
- Weekly support group meetings
- Information sessions, seminars, and workshops
- Professional development events
- Social Events & Outings
- Referrals to therapists specialising in anxiety and depression
- Annecto
- Able Australia
- Association for Children with a Disability (ACD)
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
- Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison MP
- Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, the Hon Kelly O'Dwyer MP
- Minister for Small Business, the Hon Michael McCormack MP
- Assistant Minister to the Treasurer, the Hon Michael Sukkar MP.
- Action Centre - Family Planning Victoria
- Ask Izzy
Assessment, alcohol and drug counselling and treatment, and secondary consultation services for professionals.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Celebrating more than 55 years of service to the community, the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organisation committed to preventing alcohol and other drug harms in our communities.
We were established in 1959 to support the many post-war veterans who were suffering from alcohol dependence as a release from the trauma of war. An empathetic and humane approach has always been central to our work.
ASRC are the largest independent human rights organisation for refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia. The ASRC deliver more services on the ground than any other independent asylum seeker organisation in the country.
We offer 30 holistic programs that protect people seeking asylum from persecution and destitution, support well-being and dignity, and empower people to advance their own future.
We are proudly owned and run by our community and supported by a network of more than 1300 volunteers and 90 staff in assisting around 3000 people seeking asylum each year.
The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR) is an organisation of Muslim women working to advance the rights and status of Muslim women in Australia.
They believe that Muslim women must be the impetus for change in their status as citizens.
The Australian Muslim community is characterised by diversity and hybridity; there is not a binding vision of Islam or what it means to be Muslim.
We are therefore a non-religious organisation reflecting the cultural, linguistic and sectarian diversity within the Muslim community.
At Anglicare Victoria, we create opportunities to transform futures. Everything we do is to prevent, protect & empower disadvantaged Victorian children, young people and families.
Help and support for anxiety and depression, including "grass-roots" support, information, and resources for:
Based in Melbourne, Victoria, we provide:
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) builds on the strengths of previous home support programs and consolidates four programs nationally, creating a streamlined source of support for older people living in the community, and their carers.
Annecto is funded through Carer Relationship and Carer Support Sub-program and also the Community and Home Support Sub-Program, providing entry level home support for older members of our community who need assistance to continue living independently.
CHSP provides funding for you, your carer and your family to take a break, spend time with your family and friends, or continue to participate in social activities and community life.
At Able Australia, they believe in an inclusive community for people of all abilities. They specialise in the delivery of high quality, person-centred services to people living with multiple disabilities (including deafblindness) and those in need of community support.
Able Australia reaches out to people in need throughout the country by offering a range of flexible support services that are customised to help every individual achieve their own life goals.
Whether you’re a parent, carer, sibling, family member or a professional who works with children and families, ACD can help you make the most of available services and supports to achieve a positive future.
The ATO is a non-corporate Commonwealth entity within the Treasury portfolio and serves four Ministers:
The ATO is led by Chris Jordan AO, Commissioner of Taxation and Registrar of the Australian Business Register, and is supported by the Executive Committee and various other corporate committees.
Family Planning Victoria has a focus on reproductive and sexual health care, education and advocacy.
FPV's vision is improved reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing for everyone in Victoria and beyond.
FPV's purpose is to strengthen the primary care and community-based service system to deliver reproductive and sexual health services and support people to make decisions about their reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing that are right for them.
Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people who are in crisis with the services they need right now and nearby.
Ask Izzy is powered by Infoxchange, a not-for-profit social enterprise that has been delivering technology for social justice for over 30 years.
- Bump, Baby and Beyond (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Bursting the Bubble
Support program for pregnant or parenting females consisting of leisure activities.
Online website aimed at assisting to link to National Services available to assist with dealing with domestic violence and sexual assault.
- Community Mental Health Outreach Program (Cohealth)
- Child First (Western Child and Family Services Alliance)
- Counselling (Western Region Centre Against Sexual Assault)
- Complex Case Support
- Courtside - Point Cook Youth Services
- Child Protection and Family Services (DHHS)
- Crisis Help Network: Melbourne Homeless Service
- Cybersmart Online (Office of Children's Safety)
- Centre for Multicultural Youth
- Counselling Online
- Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI)
- advice on cases
- advice to families (outside of website content)
- referral to services.
- Carers Victoria
Recovery based outreach mental health support consisting of goal and coaching-based tools.
Initial assessment of family needs and risks to determine eligibility for family services. Provides information and referral, initial support and assistance and access to local family services.
Counselling service for victims/survivors of sexual assault (women, men and children). Counselling (short to medium term) and advocacy (information and/or referral regarding legal, medical, financial and accommodation options).
One on one complex case support for clients with multiple barriers, consisting of work with mental health, physical health, family violence, counselling, family relationships, children and youth, accommodation, financial and legal advice.
A drop-in, recreational, activity and hang-out program.
DHHS aspire for all Victorians to be healthy, safe and able to lead a life they value. We deliver policies, programs and services that support and enhance the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.
The Crisis Help Network is the response of an Individual trying to access current and reliable information that would help with such issues as accommodation, food, and agencies relevant to his needs, and other problems he found while homeless in a system where information is either out of date, hard to find or was not considered relevant to him.
Crisis Help Network is an up-to-date and regularly up-dated web site dedicated to providing information about organizations able to help people in crisis. It is compiled and maintained by people who are or have been in crisis, and whose experiences are invaluable to the worth of this resource.
The Office is committed to helping young people have safe, positive experiences online and encouraging behavioural change, where a generation of Australian children act responsibly online — just as they would offline.
Our purpose is to ensure that young people have every opportunity to succeed in Australia. Through a combination of specialist support services, training and consultancy, knowledge sharing and advocacy, we are working to remove the barriers young people face as they make Australia their home.
The young people we work with tell us they prefer not to be defined by labels. It is important however, to explain that most of our work focuses on young from migrant and refugee backgrounds, 12-25 years old, with a particular priority on those who are newly-arrived to Australia.
We support people affected by alcohol & other drugs. The smallest step can make a difference.
They are an administrative office that develops online resources and eLearning courses for families and professionals.
THEY DO NOT provide:
Carers provide care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is an older person with care needs.
We work closely with government and other support organisations to improve the lives of caring families throughout Victoria.
CREATE CONNECT children and young people to each other, CREATE and their community through our clubCREATE membership program. Children and young people have access to connection events and receive birthday cards, magazines, Entering Care Kits and Welcome Packs.
CREATE EMPOWER children and young people to build self-confidence, self-esteem and skills that enable them to have a voice and be heard through programs such as Speak Up, CREATE Your Future, Youth Advisory Groups and Case Worker Training.
CREATE aims to CHANGE the care system in consultation with children and young people, to improve policies, practices, services and increase community awareness. CREATE undertakes various research projects and publishes Report Cards on key issues with the out-of-home sector. Advocacy and consultation opportunities are given to young people so they can share their experiences and be involved in the decisions that impact the Australian child protection system.
- Drop In - Youth Resource Centre
- Disability Support Service (Interact Australia)
- Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
- Department of Social Services - DSS
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection
- Disability Discrimination (Human Rights Commission)
- making human rights values part of everyday life and language;
- empowering all people to understand and exercise their human rights;
- working with individuals, community, business and government to inspire action;
- keeping government accountable to national and international human rights standards;
- listening, learning, communicating and educating;
- being open, expert, committed and impartial;
- fostering a collaborative, diverse, flexible, respectful and innovative workplace.
- Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
- Derrimut Road Health Clinic - My Clinic
- Derrimut Road Medical Clinic Q1
Drop in and recreational activity based program for young people ages 12 - 17 years.
Tailored individual and group youth transition programs for young people with a disability. Self-directed services, voluntary work and employment pathway programs and transition-from-school programs are also offered.
The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) is a statewide service in Melbourne, Victoria.
They provide training, publications, research and other resources to those experiencing (or who have experienced) family violence, and practitioners and service organisations who work with family violence survivors.
We aspire to be Australia’s pre-eminent social policy agency. Our mission is to improve the lifetime wellbeing of people and families in Australia.
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection is responsible for immigration and customs border policy.
We aspire to be Australia’s trusted global gateway. We will be the conduit through which legitimate travellers, migrants, potential citizens and goods can pass, and we will also be able to close the gate against those who intend to circumvent our border controls.
Our Vision:
Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday
Our Mission:
Leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia by:
We do this by:
The Department leads the delivery of education and development services to children, young people and adults both directly through government schools and indirectly through the regulation and funding of early childhood services, non-government schools and training programs.
The Department implements Victorian Government policy on early childhood services, school education and training and higher education services. The Department manages Victorian government schools and drives improvement in primary and secondary government education.
Derrimut Road Health Clinic, with the greatest number of GPs of any of our practices, able to provide you with a GP specialist for any particular ailment or question you might have. We’re here for the long term, ready to support you and your family through all ages and stages, whether we’re making you better, or keeping you healthy.
The Derrimut Road Health Clinic team is the perfect mix of culture, age, gender and experience, allowing you to attend a doctor who you feel most comfortable with, an important consideration if you’re unwell, or in need of specific assistance.
Q1 Medical are an AGPAL accredited practice, providing family focused services that combine the best medical practices in treating the whole family. Q1 Medical have 11 doctors on board and we opened our doors to patients 3 years ago. Q1 Medical have experienced male and female GPs to cover all aspects of general practice, delivering the highest quality care and service to our patients.
- Employment Program (AMES Australia)
- Education and Training Courses (AMES)
- Employment Plus (Salvation Army)
- Eating Disorders Victoria
- Emergency Services
AMES employment programs aim to assist eligible migrants and refugees in finding a job, or linking in with education and training resources to prepare for employment or further training.
AMES offers a wide range of English courses and training courses to assist migrants and refugees further education/training. A volunteer program through distant learning is also offered.
Employment Plus delivers employment and training services in more than 90 locations across metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia.
The Salvation Army Employment Plus is one of Australia’s largest government funded employment services, finding quality employees for businesses – at no cost.
Employment Plus provides job seekers with access to specialised training, work experience and a range of support services. We also work closely with businesses across all sectors, finding the right people to fill their needs.
Eating disorders are a serious mental illness – not a lifestyle choice, a diet gone wrong or a fad. EDV aims to change the stigma associated with eating disorders and spread a message of hope.
With the right treatment and support, eating disorders can be beaten and recovery is possible.
- Frontyard Youth Services
Frontyard Youth Services provides integrated services to address the physical, social and emotional needs of young people aged between 12 and 25 years who spend time in Melbourne's CBD. Some of our services also work with young people across greater Melbourne and throughout Victoria.
- Group Training Australia (National Apprentice Employment Network)
National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) is the national association representing a network of around 100 group training organisations (GTOs) located throughout metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia.
Collectively the national network of group training organisations employs around 25,000 apprentices and trainees and over 100,000 businesses have used a group training organisation to manage the employment of their apprentices and trainees.
NAEN provides advocacy and professional development services for the GTO national network, working closely with the state group training associations. NAEN promotes the benefits of the group training model of apprentice and trainee employment and highlights the contribution of the group training network to skills development.
- Holiday Action (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Headspace Werribee
- Housing Intake and Assessment (Unison Housing)
- Homeless Youth Dual Diagnosis Initiative (SUMMIT)
- Humanitarian Settlement Services
- Harm Reduction Victoria - HRVIC
- Human Rights Commission
- making human rights values part of everyday life and language;
- empowering all people to understand and exercise their human rights;
- working with individuals, community, business and government to inspire action;
- keeping government accountable to national and international human rights standards;
- listening, learning, communicating and educating;
- being open, expert, committed and impartial;
- fostering a collaborative, diverse, flexible, respectful and innovative workplace.
- Hamstead Drive Medical Centre
- Hogans Road Medical Centre
Teenage holiday program consisting of leisure and recreational based activities
Mental, physical and general health service consisting of youth health, mental health, anxiety and depression, drug and alcohol use counselling and education groups.
Unison is a not for profit property company. We provide all the services that strong, mixed, integrated communities need. As part of this, we develop, own and manage affordable and social housing and we provide commercial property management, owners corporation management and cleaning and grounds services. We also provide homelessness services for those most in need in Melbourne’s West.
HYDDI offers specialist mental health and substance use assessment and brief interventions for young people, advice on brief interventions and strategies and referral pathways for specialist treatment. It offers short-term case management assistance with a specialist focus on mental health and substance use.
Case management programs for newly arrived refugees and humanitarian entrants in Victoria, including Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS), Complex Case Support (CCS), and an Asylum Seeker Program.
HRVic aims to educate, inform, support and advocate on behalf of Victorian people who use drugs and their friends and allies. Funded primarily by the Victorian Department of Health, HRVic seeks to improve the way people who use drugs are treated in the broader community as well as by and medical, community and government services.
Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday
Our Mission:
Leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia by:
We do this by:
General GP and Sexual Health Clinic services.
Hogans Rd. Medical Centre has been serving the Hoppers Crossing Community since 1988 as a General Practice catering to all age groups and welcomes it’s long-term regular patients as well as new patients.
Emphasis is placed on preventive care to optimise the health and well being of each patient, and maintaining a close relationship with other health professionals and specialists and using up to date technology to maximise good communication and efficient patient care.
- IPC Health Support (Formerly ISIS Primary Care)
- It Get's Better Australia
- Vocational Education and Training Brokerage
- Low-cost Accredited and Pre-accredited Training
- Case Management Services
- Social Enterprise – Avidity
- Employment Pathway Initiatives
- National Disability Coordination Officer Program
- Out of school VCAL Program for people with disability
Generalist counselling, self help support groups, family planning, general dental, GP for refugee and aboriginal health issues, drug and alcohol counselling.
It Gets Better Australia is an official affiliate of the US based, “It Gets Better Project”. The campaign was started in Perth to show young LGBT people in Australia, the levels of happiness, potential and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years. It Gets Better Australia wants to remind teenagers in Australia’s LGBT community that they are not alone – and that it WILL get better.
Growing up isn’t easy. Many young people face daily tormenting and bullying, leading them to feel like they have nowhere to turn. This is especially true for LGBT kids and teens, who often hide their sexuality for fear of bullying. Without other mentors in their lives, they can’t imagine what their future may hold. In many instances, gay and lesbian adolescents are taunted — even tortured — simply for being themselves.
IMVC is committed to the social inclusion of young and marginalised people, and is passionate about providing opportunities for the wider community, especially at-risk youth, to enhance capabilities and opportunities in applied learning, vocational education, training and employment.
Established in 1998, the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC) delivers services across Inner North, East and Western Melbourne, IMVC is well regarded amongst schools, government, industry and the broader community; cooperatively and creatively working with these agencies to achieve real outcomes and seamless transitions for our participants.
Our diverse suite of services and programs includes:
- Joseph's Corner
Joseph's Corner was established in 2001 in a response to the community's need for support for families living with alcohol and drug addiction. Joseph's Corner is now located at three centres in Yarraville, Hopper's Crossing and Laverton.
- Kids Help Line
- Kids Under Cover
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Kids Under Cover supports vulnerable young people between the ages of 12 and 25 years who are either already homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Kids Under Cover build relocatable, one and two bedroom studios, with a bathroom, in the backyard of a family or carer’s home. The extra room relieves overcrowding, eases tension and provides young people with a secure and stable environment. The studio remains in place for as long as it’s required. Kids Under Cover will relocate a studio up to four times during its lifetime, to help other families in need.
- LifeWorks Wyndham
- Launch Housing (Hanover & HomeGround Services)
- Lighthouse Foundation
- Lifeline Crisis Support
- LGBTIQ Switchboard
Relationships are essential to daily life. Yet, relationships, whether with a spouse, child, parent, ex-partner or even a work colleague, can be complicated and, at times, challenging. They take time, thought and effort to develop, nurture and sustain. At LifeWorks, we hope to support your efforts by offering a range of programs to help strengthen the relationships that matter most to you.
Launch Housing was created by the merging of Hanover Homelessness and HomeGround Services, they are one of Victoria’s largest providers of housing and homelessness support services. They provide flexible, specialist services that directly assist thousands of men, women, young people, children and families every year.
Lighthouse Foundation provides homeless young people from backgrounds of long-term neglect and abuse, with a home, a sense of family, and around-the-clock therapeutic care that is individually tailored, trauma informed and proven to work.
For over 25 years Lighthouse has successfully supported over 800 young people to break the cycle of homelessness, move into employment and educational opportunities, and overcome damaging life experiences.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
We're committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.
Our vision is for an Australia free of suicide.
Switchboard is a free telephone and web counselling, referral and information service for the Victorian and Tasmanian
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) communities and their supporters.
Live Webchat - 3pm to 12am daily
- MAX Employment Program
- Matchworks
- Mother Baby Unit (Mercy Health)
- Manor Lakes Drop In - Youth Services
- MensLine
- Mind Australia (Mental Illness Counselling)
- Mental Illness Fellowship (Well Ways)
- Mambourine Disability Services
- Mackillop Family Services
- Manor Lakes Medical Centre
The Max Employment Program is a Job Services Australia program that offers disability employment services and an Indigenous employment program.
Case management support for young people looking for employment or training.
Specialist mental health service, specialising in antenatal and postnatal psychiatry, mother baby psychiatry and infant mental health and assessment and management of psychiatric disorders in pregnancy and post birth.
Activity-based program for young people aged 12-17 years
MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men
Mind offers a range of specialist psychosocial support services to help you gain better mental health and improve the quality of your life.
We are a registered NDIS provider and offer a range of support services to pick and choose from. If you have an NDIS package, ask about our NDIS funded services.
Mind provides practical and motivational support that helps you develop the skills you need to move on, thrive and reclaim your life.
From our years of experience, we know every person's journey to a life of meaning and purpose is a very personal one - so we help you in ways that best suit you.
We care about you and the important people in your life, so will gladly involve them in planning and decisions about your care, according to your wishes.
Wellways offers a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people affected by mental health issues or disability, as well as their families, friends and carers. Our experienced, local staff will help you take charge of your wellbeing, connect with others and participate in your community.
Mambourin promotes independent living by offering employment, education and training services to adults with a disability. Mambourin’s slogan is “Empowering People”® which drives all that they do.
Mackillop Family Services are culturally responsive and provide support to families through a number of programs including parenting support, children’s playgroups and family skills training.
We also provide assistance to those families experiencing alcohol or other drug misuse.
MacKillop works to create change in families by building on strengths and working with people to achieve their goals.
The Manor Lakes Medical Centre is a modern medical centre established as part of the Manor Lakes Central Shopping Centre. Located next door to the Pharmacy, the Medical Centre has five consulting rooms and a large treatment room together with other ancillary rooms.
- Nutrition Outreach Support and Health Service (NOSH) (Whitelion)
- National Centre Against Bullying Alannah & Madeline Foundation)
- Provide national leadership in addressing bullying and other negative behaviours and achieve safe and connected environments for young people.
- Change attitudes about bullying and related issues, and increase awareness of the harm it causes to individuals and society.
- Build the capacity, knowledge and skill base of a range of sectors to enable them to address the issues of bullying and wellbeing.
- Drive evidence-based practice in the fields of bullying and wellbeing.
- National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA)
A mobile bus outreach service that visits locations throughout Wyndham delivering material aid, food, advice, support and referral for young people.
The National Centre Against Bullying (NCAB), an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, is a peak body working to advise and inform the Australian community on the issue of childhood bullying and the creation of safe schools and communities, including the issue of cyber safety.
Driven by best-practice research and expert knowledge, NCAB aims to:
The national peak organisation representing the rights and interests of people living with disability, their families and carers, from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) and non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB).
NEDA is a founding member of the Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPOA).
NEDA is a community based, non-government organisation funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS). NEDA has a small secretariat and is governed by a council of state and territory representatives.
NEDA is a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO); the majority of councillors are people who live with disability from NESB or CaLD backgrounds.
- Orygen Youth Health
- One Wyndham (Wyndham Youth Services)
- A $300 gift voucher
- Profile image and article in the Council monthly newsletter; Wyndham News,
- Profile picture and biography on the One Wyndham webpage
- A bi-monthly advert in the Star Weekly newspaper, highlighting their achievements
- A certificate, which they can reference in their CV and job applications
- Invitation to attend the monthly - One Wyndham Peer Networking Dinners.
Range of services including crisis intervention, homebased treatment, counselling, individual and group treatment, mental health diagnosis and medication treatment
Wyndham City Youth Services is committed to supporting and promoting the ingenuity and accomplishments of young people across the municipality.
Each month Council will select a Wyndham resident aged between 12 – 25 to be awarded the young person of the month – ‘One Wyndham’ recipient.
The award aims to build the profile of young people who are positively contributing to the Wyndham community and thank them for their contribution and dedication and acknowledge their achievements. The selected monthly candidate will be a positive role model to other young people in the community who may have similar aspirations and goals.
What the award entails
Winners of the One Wyndham Young Person of the Month will receive:
- PHaMs (Personal Helpers and Mentors service)
- Personal Development Funding
- Police (Werribee)
- Police (Wyndham North)
- Penrose Drop-In Program (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Parent Information Evenings (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Point Cook Super Clinic
One on one mentoring program for people with a mental illness consisting of goal based mentoring and individual recovery journey
Financial assistance for personal development opportunities for individuals, carers or families affected by mental illness. This may include things such as gym memberships, personal projects or training. (Please note that MIND Australia also offers individual scholarships. Contact MIND Australia directly for more details.)
This station offers full police services, and has a Family Violence Unit on site. A Justice of the Peace can also be accessed at this location.
Please note: The nearest SOCIT is located at Footscray Police Station and can be reached on (03) 8398 9800.
This station offers full police services. Please note that the Family Violence Unit and a Justice of the Peace can be accessed at the Werribee Station.The nearest SOCIT is located at Footscray Police Station and can be reached on (03) 83989800.
A drop-in, recreational activity and hang-out program for young people.
Information sessions for parents, carers and guardians on a range of issues relating to young people.
Point Cook Superclinic is a large 15 consulting room clinic located in the thriving area of Point Cook which is about a 20 minute drive from the centre of Melbourne. The clinic is located in a large shopping complex designed to service the needs of this growing community.
The decor is modern and sparkling with generously sized consulting rooms, two large fully equipped treatment rooms, nurse’s station and beautifully appointed waiting rooms. The clinic offers a full range of allied health services including dentistry, physiotherapy, City Fertility, podiatrist and dietician. Doctors are supported by trained nursing staff who assist with procedures and chronic disease management planning.
- Q Program (Wyndham Youth Services)
This program for young people aged up to 25 years who might be gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex, pan sexual, questioning (gender and/or sexuality) or straight.
People quit smoking for many reasons, most commonly to improve their health and to save money. Thinking through your own personal reasons to quit will help you decide if smoking is worth it or not.
- Royal Children's Hospital (Gatehouse)
- Racism No Way (NSW Education Department)
- Reach Out
- we’re a registered not-for-profit
- we’re based in Sydney, but ReachOut is a national service
- about 40 people work at ReachOut across marketing, organisation support, research, and service delivery.
- Refugee Council of Australia
- Reconciliation Australia
- Royal Children's Hospital (Mental Health Services)
- our hospital-based services (at the Emergency Department; on a ward; or as regular psychology outpatient where you may or may not have another medical condition) are available to you if you live anywhere in Victoria, Tasmania or southern New South Wales
- our outpatient services are generally available to you if you live in our metropolitan areas listed above.
- Royal Children's Hospital (Eating Disorders Service)
- anorexia nervosa
- atypical anorexia nervosa
- other restrictive eating problems
Child abuse counselling consisting of assessment and treatment services, crisis management and support services, short and long term counselling for victims of child abuse and their familites, assessment and treatment for children and young people with sexually abusive behaviours and problem sexual behaviours.
Anti-racism education for Australian schools.
ReachOut was started in 1996 in direct response to Australia’s growing suicide rates.
We work with young people and experts to deliver mental health services online. Everything we do is evidence-based and underpinned by evaluation and research. To find out more about the evidence behind ReachOut.com.
A few facts about ReachOut Australia:
We partner with a lot of other organisations to make sure every young person who visits ReachOut.com finds the help they are looking for.
Reconciliation Australia was established in 2001 and is the lead body for reconciliation in the nation. We are an independent not-for-profit organisation which promotes and facilitates reconciliation by building relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our ambition is to enable all Australians to contribute to the reconciliation of the nation. Our vision of reconciliation is based on five inter-related dimensions: race relations, equality and equity, unity, institutional integrity and historical acceptance. These five dimensions do not exist in isolation; they are inter-related and Australia can only achieve full reconciliation if we progress in all five dimensions, weaving them together to become a whole.
Our services are mainly for young people aged 0-15 years and their families who live in the Western and Northwestern metropolitan regions of Melbourne. We generally see infants, children and adolescents with the most severe and complex mental illnesses. There are a range of other places you can access for mild to moderate difficulties and illnesses. See our community resources sections for children, adolescents and parents and carers more details. We also have a range of statewide services that young people up to the age of 18 may be able to use too. It is best to check with our Intake (Triage) Team to be sure.
A general rule is if you need our help:
The Royal Children’s Hospital Eating Disorders (RCH ED) Service provides clinical management to patients with:
The RCH ED Service is specifically for adolescents and their families living in the North Western Metropolitan Region.
- Street Surfer Bus (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Street Outreach Program (Whitelion)
- Stepping Up
- Settlement Services (New Hope Foundation)
- Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line
- Salvation Army - Transitional Supported Accommodation for Youth (TSAY)
- Smart Traveller
- Suicide Line
- Services Australia
- Scope Victoria (Australia)
Community bus for young people with video games, food, support services information, music, movies, sports and DJ equipment.
For information and locations visit: https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/youth-services/services-programs/wyndham-street-surfer-bus
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Therapeutic and community based service for clients with complex needs
Settlement support case work service for refugees and family migrants, including assistance, advocacy, case management and referral.
Be the voice for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children by providing a state-wide immediate response that informs, protects and connects women and children so they are safe.
Build the voice of women and children to influence research, policy, service provision and the wider community to eliminate violence.
The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.
The Lead Tenant program provides an opportunity for young people residing in out-of-home care to move closer to independence with the support of up to two 'Lead Tenants' who serve as role models by engaging the young people in education, employment, self-care, communication and positive behaviour.
The Transitional Supported Accommodation for Youth (TSAY) program provides a range of support services to young people aged between 16 and 20 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. TSAY's objective is to assist young people to access and sustain housing.
The Continuing Care program is a new initiative by Westcare's Transitional Services. Continuing Care aims to provide additional support to young people transitioning to independent living.
Smartraveller is provided by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Access the full range of travel information on this website to help you prepare for overseas travel. They have useful advice on local laws, entry and exit requirements and health issues, and an indicative rating of the security situation in particular countries. Their aim is to help you determine the level of risk you may face, so that you can make informed decisions about where and when to travel overseas.
SuicideLine is a 24/7 telephone counselling service offering professional support to people at risk of suicide, people concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and people bereaved by suicide.
As the only state-based telephone service in Australia dedicated to suicide prevention, SuicideLine provides vital support for thousands of Victorians each year.
SuicideLine answers thousands of calls each year from people in Victoria affected by suicide. Around 80% of calls are from people at risk of suicide themselves. SuicideLine ensures these people are kept safe and supported during their time of need.
SuicideLine is funded by the Victorian Department of Health.
“I want to pass on my heartfelt thank you to everyone at SuicideLine who has supported me. I feel the best I have in years. I am enjoying my day playing with my grandchildren and cooking, things I haven’t been able to do in a long time.” - SuicideLine caller
All information gathered during contact with SuicideLine is a Health Record that is recorded and stored securely and may be used for quality and training purposes.
The SANE Help Centre provides the information, guidance, and referrals you need to manage mental health concerns.
Information about contacting Centrelink, Medicare or Child Support, and Services Australia.
Scope is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support people with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities achieve their goals in life.
Scope services help more than 6000 individuals and their families across Victoria. We provide support when and where you need it, whether it’s in your home, at school, in the community or at one of our 99 service locations.
Scope are passionate about providing you with high-quality support that is individualised to your needs.
At Scope they see the person, not the disability.
- Tarneit Drop-In Program (Wyndham Youth Services)
- The Gamer's Den Point Cook (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre
- The Link Centre
- The Butterfly Foundation
Drop-in and recreational activity-based program for young people.
A gaming night for young gamers (games are provided but young people are welcome to bring their own).
Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre was established in 1994 and amalgamated with public health provider, Eastern Health in October 2009 and is formally affiliated with Monash University. Turning Point is a national addiction treatment centre, dedicated to providing high quality, evidence-based treatment to people adversely affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling, integrated with world-leading research and education.
The Link Centre Limited, a registered charity, provides a holistic service to the socially and educationally disengaged students in the western suburbs of Melbourne. The Link Centre delivers a Year 10 equivalent program to students between the ages or 15-17. A multidisciplinary team adopts a multi-prong approach focusing on academic achievement, career pathway mentoring, developing life skills, socio-emotional know-how and resilience. The goal of a young person at the Link Centre is to have an increased sense of confidence, secure sustainable pathways and to have the knowledge, tools and skills in responsible decision making.
The young people who attend the Link Centre have disengaged from mainstream schools due to poor mental health, bullying, poor conduct and difficultly in coping academically at school, amongst a myriad of reasons. The academic and social support program is delivered by a team comprising of a manager, a social worker and two teachers.
The Butterfly Foundation represents all people affected by eating disorders and negative body image – a person with the illness, their family and their friends.
As a leading national voice in supporting their needs, Butterfly highlights the realities of seeking treatment for recovery, and advocates for improved services from both government and independent sources.
Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders with significantly distorted eating behaviours and high risk of physical as well as psychological harm. Left unaddressed, the medical, psychological and social consequences can be serious and long term. Once entrenched eating disorders can impact on every aspect of an individual’s life and for many, can be life threatening.
Butterfly operates a National Eating Disorders Support Helpline that includes support over the phone, via email and online. The Helpline is staffed by trained counsellors experienced in assisting with eating disorders. It also provides a wide range of programs for service providers and recovery groups.
- Urban Youth Program
- Uniting Vic.Tas Werribee & Wyndham
- Uniting Pathways 2 Employment - School Leaver Employment Support
- Accredited Training options: Certificate 1’s in Transition Education, Work Education, Food Handling
- Intro to Café Work
- Money Handling
- Group and individual work experience
- Travel training and driver education to obtain L- Plates
- Vocational pre-employment training
- Work-specific industry visits
- Referrals and links to relevant support services including Disability Employment Services
- Uniting Employment Services
Kick Back, Food, Arts and Much More.
UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing offers housing support services to people who live in, or are connected to, the municipality of Wyndham.
Our housing support services focus on prevention and early intervention.
If getting a job is important to you, then this is the program for you.
The Pathways 2 Employment program is an NDIS funded School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) program for young people with disability aged generally between 18 – 22 years to support their transition from school to employment.
Costs: NDIS Funded: Finding & Keeping a Job – School Leaver Employment Support or Fee for service
Public Transport: Bus (Close to Werribee Plaza)
Uniting Employment Services
We've got the jobs.Are you ready for yours?
Come meet our team and let's talk about the journey towards the future you.
We'll be by your side from your first conversation, and tailor an approach to get you the right job, your way.
It's not just about finding the right job.It's making the process easy for you.
Costs: No cost to eligible job seekers
Public Transport: Bus and Train (Close to Werribee station)
- VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre)
- Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the central office that administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, scholarships and the Special Entry Access Scheme at universities, TAFEs and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria (and a few outside Victoria). VTAC receives and forwards application information and supporting documentation to the relevant authorities at institutions.
VTAC is not a selection authority, does not determine the selection criteria used by institutions and does not decide who will receive an offer. All decisions about which applicants are offered a place are made by the course selection authorities at institutions.
After selection decisions have been made by the course authorities at institutions, VTAC sends offer messages to successful applicants on the institutions’ behalf.
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is an independent statutory body responsible to the Victorian Minister for Education. We serve both government and non-government schools.
The mission of the VCAA is to provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that enables lifelong learning for every student.
- Wyndham FreeZA - Paradox FReeZA (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Wyndham Student Representative Council (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Womens Rehabilitation Program (Western Health Drug Health Services)
- Western Springboard (WCIG)
- Wyndham Ambassadors of Multicultural Youth (New Hope Foundation)
- Wyndham Resilience Adventure Program (WRAP) (Whitelion)
- Women's Health West
- Whitelion
- Warringa Park School
- Wyndham Community Education Centre (WCEC)
- WynLearn
- Workplace Connect (WPC)
- WorkSafe Victoria
- Westgate Medical Centre
- Wyndham Health Care
- Wyndham City Council Maternal Child Health
- Consultation and support for families with parenting issues
- Regular health and development checks for your child
- Groups for first time parents
- Referrals to other professionals
- Information about community and family support services
- Wyndham Vale Health Care
- Werribee Magistrates Court
- Wyndham North Police
Youth band committee consisting of planning, evaluation and promotion of youth band events.
A committee of students from multiple schools that participate in a leadership program and deliver a youth-led project within their schools or community.
Six-week rehabilitation residential and day group programs for women.
A case work program that assists with issues relating to school, TAFE, university, Centrelink, family matters and relationships, health, housing and employment. Also offers support and legal information.
Youth Committee that discusses and advocates for issues relating to multicultural young people as well as planning programs and events.
Personal and skills development program for young people in Wyndham. Learning and community connectedness is facilitated through adventure therapy.
Women’s Health West (WHW) is the women’s health service for the western metropolitan region of Melbourne.
Their health promotion, research and development program plans and implements activities designed to promote women’s health, safety and wellbeing across three key areas – sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and prevention of violence and discrimination.
Whitelion supports young people at risk in the Australian community with programs and advocacy.
Warringa Park School is a specialist school located in Hoppers Crossing. The school population is drawn from the City of Wyndham and caters for students aged 5 to 18 years who have a diagnosed intellectual disability. Warringa Park is a P-12 school organised around the three stages of learning – the early, middle and later years. The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is offered in the later years at a campus based at our Bethany Road campus. An alternative Year 11 and 12 vocational education program is offered at a rural campus in Cayleys Road, Werribee South. A Year 8, 9 and 10 campus is situated on the grounds of The Grange P-12 College in Bethany Road. The school currently has an enrolment of 500.
Wyndham Community & Education Centre Inc. (Wyndham CEC) offers quality community programs and education opportunities to the local community. Founded over 40 years ago, Wyndham CEC is one of Victoria’s largest Adult & Community Education providers and a leader in supporting people and communities to make positive changes for their future.
Wyndham's gateway to lifelong learning.
WPC Group is a not-for-profit group training organisation (GTO) specialising in the employment and training of apprentices and trainees.
Established in Victoria in 1982, WPC Group (Work Place Connect) is recognised as one of Australia's leading GTOs, and has offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth.
WPC Group is one of Australia’s largest employers of apprentices and trainees, with over 500 apprentices and trainees currently working with more than 200 host employers.
WPC Group specialises in flexible employment, recruitment and training solutions, and connects young people with the training that they need to land, and then keep, a job in the real world.
WPC Group provides a mentor for every apprentice to keep them on track, explaining why 80% of WPC apprentices complete their certifications (as compared to the national average of 48%).
WorkSafe's mission is to actively work with the community to deliver outstanding workplace safety and return to work, together with insurance protection. The work WorkSafe do is important because it impacts upon many people's lives, everyday.
Westgate Medical Centre offers a wide range of Health Services, from Pathology, health checks and regular immunisation. Doctors aim to provide exceptional health care services within a friendly environment. Ensuring they properly listen and care for all patients.
Westgate Medical Centre aims to treat all patients as individuals, taking into careful consideration family attitudes, occupation and lifestyle, allowing for a more thorough examination.
No appointment necessary after 6pm weekdays, 1pm Saturday and all day Sunday. Walk-in’s are accepted throughout the day however patients with an appointment will be seen as a priority.
Wyndham Health Care offers our patients a variety of services and facilities to assist with their medical treatment. We strive to provide optimum treatment for all patients in a traditional family manner and place great importance on health promotion and disease prevention.
Wyndham Health Care is a large purpose built general practice located in Werribee in a very busy shopping precinct. A number of Allied Health staff support our doctors in treatment of patients as well as nursing staff.
Maternal and Child Health Services offer free professional nursing support and advice for parents of children from birth to school age.
Services include:
Wyndhamvale Health Care is a fully accredited general practice which offers our patients a variety of services to compliment their medical treatment and needs.
Wyndhamvale Health Care is a purpose built clinic located in the heart of Wyndham Vale, close to shopping precincts and recreational reserves. The Clinic has wide corridors and disabled toilets, baby change table and a children’s play area.
At Wyndhamvale Health Care we are supported by a general physician, neurologist, physiotherapy team, a podiatrist, dietitian, diabetic educator, psychologist, osteopath, asthma nurse, exercise physiologist and in-house ultrasound, on-site pharmacy and pathology collection. Assisting our highly qualified general practitioners is a team of very experienced practice nurses and experienced medical reception staff.
The paramount duty of courts remains the impartial administration of case-by-case justice. The Court also has an important responsibility for delivering high quality registry services. The Court values the strong engagement it has with the community and will use this website and other means of communication to build confidence in the justice system and greater community understanding of both the judicial role and the significance of an independent court system for the whole Victorian community.
- Youth Counselling (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Youth Task Force (Wyndham Youth Services)
- Youth Law Clinic (Western Community Legal Centre)
- Young Women's Crisis Service
- Young Carers Program (Carers Victoria)
- Youth Central - Office for Youth
- Youth Support & Advocacy Service
- Youth Law Australia
- Youth Beyond Blue
- Youth Mental Health Services (Orygen Mental Health)
- Young Families Respite Care (Wyndham City Council)
- Youth Now
- Youth Central
- Youth Lawyer (West Justice)
General counselling support for young people & families - ages 8 - 25 years
Youth advocacy, project and events committee with a focus on leadership, advocacy, project work, implementation of the Youth Plan and representing the young people of Wyndham.
Free legal advice, representation, education, participation and projects for young people.
This service is made up of two programs; Young Women's Crisis Outreach Service and Vicky's Place, which consist of intensive crisis intervention and support, crisis accommodation and support to find suitable, stable, long term accommodation
A program to support young carers through counselling, scholarships, respite, community development and education, with a focus on education.
Youth Central is the Victorian Government's website for people aged from 12 to 25. It's the place to go for information about jobs and careers, services and events in your local area, study, travel, money and more.
They also publish interviews, reviews, competition listings and regular news about what's going on and ways you can put your talents to the test.
Articles on Youth Central are written by a team of young writers who sign up to get trained how to write for the web, and are then unleashed to bring back their unique take on the happenings in this almost-triangular state of Victoria.
YSAS recognises that young people may experience a number of problems simultaneously. Youth alcohol and other drug workers are trained and experienced in dealing with a range of complex problems including alcohol and drugs, legal matters, primary and mental health, homelessness, sexual abuse and family breakdown.
The website dedicated to providing legal information to children and young people in Australia.
beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Orygen Youth Health (OYH) is a world-leading youth mental health program based in Melbourne, Australia. OYH has two main components: a specialised youth mental health clinical service; and an integrated training and communications program.
Orygen Youth Health is part of the public mental health system in Melbourne, Australia, and sees young people aged 15 to 24, with a focus on early intervention and youth specific approaches. There is a close connection with Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health.
Wyndham City provides a range of services to support eligible residents to continue living independently at home and in the community who may be eligible for assistance. We do so in a way that actively promotes maintaining or regaining independence and autonomy for the individual.
YouthNow is a not for profit organisation specialising in career and transition services for young people. Established in 1997, we have been providing our expertise to businesses, schools, young people and community groups for 18 years.
Youth Centralis the Victorian Government's website for people aged from 12 to 25. It's the place to go for information about jobs and careers, services and events in your local area, study, travel, money and more.
They also publish interviews, reviews, competition listings and regular news about what's going on and ways you can put your talents to the test.
WEstjustice provides free legal help to people in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. We can help with a broad range of everyday problems. Please call (03) 9749 7720 to find out more about our services or to make an appointment.
- Mercy Hospital
- Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria
- Melbourne Citymission
- Maximus
- Matchworks
- MIND Australia
- MiCare
- Mambourin
- Wyndham City - Youth Services
- WISE Employment
- Westgate Community Initiatives Group (WCIG)
- Whitelion
- Western Community Legal Centre
- Westgate General Practice Network
- Western Child and Family Services Alliances
- WestCASA
- Western Health Drug Health Services
- Wyndham City Council